After completing a colouring competition Junior Infants took the pledge to encourage their parents to switch off their car engines when in traffic and help improve the air we breath. Maciej was the proud winner of the colouring competition in Ms Madden's class. This month's theme of My Family/My Home has proved to be very popular with the boys in Junior Infants. They have worked in the role play area preparing meals, minding the baby, setting the table. In the Small World Area, we sorted the furniture into the correct rooms of the house. The builders were hard at work in the Construction Area building houses. The boys were busy washing dishes at the Water Table. We played the House Game where we had to see who could collect the furniture for their room first. After reading the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' we discussed the different materials used to build houses. Each boy then got a chance to make the Three Pigs' Houses using bricks, straw and sticks. Ms Madden's class and the Language Class took great interest in some experiments during Science Week. The “Junk Art” station during Aistear This month our theme is My Family, My Home. We read “The Three Little Pigs“ and talked about different types of homes. We made houses from straw, sticks & bricks. Junior Infants and 1st Class came together for Science Week 2019 to carry out some experiments. The 1st class boys helped the Junior Infants to make predictions about what would happen. We carried out 4 experiments 1. Dancing Raisins 2. The effect of hot water on Skittles 3. The rain cloud 4. The effect of vinegar on bread soda We had a fantastic morning and learned lots of new things. The boys had great fun making pirate hats,colouring pictures, finding treasure, reading pirate stories and most important of all attending the 'Pirate's Pizza Party' during our week learning all about the letter 'p'. |
September 2022
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