Board of Management 2019 - 2023
Miriam MacGrath (Chairperson)
John Gunnell, Principal
Michelle Madden
Eileen Ryan
Helen Sheahan
Mark Ryan
Fr. Des Hillery
Louis Manley
Miriam MacGrath (Chairperson)
John Gunnell, Principal
Michelle Madden
Eileen Ryan
Helen Sheahan
Mark Ryan
Fr. Des Hillery
Louis Manley
Agreed report of BOM 25/5/21
Agreed report of BOM 18/5/21
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 18th May 2021.
Parental Involvement
School Buildings and Repairs
Roles and Responsibilities for the position of Assistant Principal 1 were agreed.
School Transition plan was discussed.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
- Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.
- Matters arising were discussed.
- Principal reported on the following items –
Parental Involvement
School Buildings and Repairs
- The financial report was presented by the Treasurer
- The Child Protection Oversight Report was presented, discussed and agreed.
- Anti-bullying report was presented.
- Health & safety report and buildings report were presented.
- Covid-19 report presented.
- Correspondence was dealt with.
Roles and Responsibilities for the position of Assistant Principal 1 were agreed.
School Transition plan was discussed.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed report of BOM 27/4/21
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 27th April 2021.
The meeting took place remotely.
The meeting took place remotely.
- The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed transition of our school to co-educational and vertical.
Agreed report of BOM 26/4/21
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 26th April 2021.
The meeting took place remotely.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
The meeting took place remotely.
- The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed transition of our school to co-educational and vertical.
- Correspondence was dealt with.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed report of BOM 13/4/21
greed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 13th April 2021 at 8pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed transition of our school to co-educational and vertical.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 13th April 2021 at 8pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed transition of our school to co-educational and vertical.
Agreed report of BOM 12/4/21
Agreed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 12th April 2021 at 8pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed transition of our school to co-educational and vertical.
The Board has requested a meeting with St. Senan's Education Office to discuss the proposed transition.
That meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th April 2021.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 12th April 2021 at 8pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed transition of our school to co-educational and vertical.
The Board has requested a meeting with St. Senan's Education Office to discuss the proposed transition.
That meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th April 2021.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed report of BOM 29/3/21
Agreed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 29th March 2021 at 7pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
Parental Involvement
School Buildings and Repairs
This concluded the business of the meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 29th March 2021 at 7pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
- Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.
- Matters arising were discussed.
- Principal reported on the following items –
Parental Involvement
School Buildings and Repairs
- The financial report was presented by the Treasurer
- The Child Protection Oversight Report was presented, discussed and agreed.
- Anti-bullying report was presented.
- Health & safety report and buildings report were presented.
- Covid-19 report presented, dealing with current school closure and remote learning.
- Correspondence was dealt with, including a letter from the Patron outlining the proposed change of status of our school.
- A response to the proposal was agreed.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed report of BOM Meeting 18/1/21
Agreed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 18th January 2021 at 7pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
Parental Involvement
School Buildings and Repairs
This concluded the business of the meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 18th January 2021 at 7pm.
The meeting took place remotely.
- Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.
- Matters arising were discussed.
- Principal reported on the following items –
Parental Involvement
School Buildings and Repairs
- The financial report was presented by the Treasurer
- The Child Protection Oversight Report was presented, discussed and agreed.
- Anti-bullying report was presented.
- Health & safety report and buildings report were presented.
- Covid-19 report presented, dealing with current school closure and remote learning.
- Correspondence was dealt with, including a letter from the Patron outlining the proposed change of status of our school.
- A response to the proposal was agreed.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed report of BOM meeting 12/10/20
Agreed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 12th October 2020 at 7pm.
Attendance for September
Covid attendance report
Supply panel teachers report
Application for additional SNA
Curriculum focus
Department inspector is Claire Griffin
Parenta association activities
Parent-teacher meetings
Play areas and new arrangements
This concluded the business of the meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 12th October 2020 at 7pm.
- Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.
- Matters arising were discussed.
- Principal reported on the following items –
Attendance for September
Covid attendance report
Supply panel teachers report
Application for additional SNA
Curriculum focus
Department inspector is Claire Griffin
Parenta association activities
Parent-teacher meetings
Play areas and new arrangements
- The financial report was presented by the Treasurer
- The Child Protection Oversight Report was presented, discussed and agreed.
- Anti-bullying report was presented.
- Health & safety report and buildings report were presented.
- Covid-19 report presented
- Covid response plan and Covid-19 policy statement were ratified.
- Correspondence was dealt with.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed report of BOM Meeting 9/3/20
Agreed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 9th March 2020 at 7pm.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 9th March 2020 at 7pm.
- Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.
- Matters arising were discussed.
- The Financial report was presented to end of February 2020.
- Principal reported on the following items –
- Number of pupils on the roll.
- Attendance for February 91.7%
- Staffing
- School leadership team
- Primary language Curriculum
- PDST and professional development
- Parent-teacher meetings
- School buildings
- Fire Drills
- Sports in SMJB
- School Placements by student teachers
- The financial report was presented.
- The Child Protection Oversight Report was presented, discussed and agreed.
- The annual review of the Child safeguarding Statement took place utilising the Safeguarding checklist.
- Anti-bullying report was presented.
- School Self-Evaluation report was presented.
- Health & safety report was presented.
- School Policies (Gaeilge) were ratified.
- A school development plan was agreed.
- A school plan for review of school policys and plans was agreed.
- The Chairperson reported on the recent meeting of the Nenagh Co-education committee.
- Correspondence was dealt with.
- Covid-19 planning was discussed
- Next meeting is scheduled for 7pm on March 30th, 2020.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Agreed Report of BOM Meeting 10.2.20
Agreed Report of Board of Management.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 10th February 2020 at 7pm.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Junior Boys’ N.S. took place on 10th February 2020 at 7pm.
- Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.
- Matters arising were discussed.
- The annual audited school accounts were presented by Mr. William Lomansey of Mc Keogh, Gallagher, Ryan Chartered Accountants.
- Audited accounts and Balance Sheet will be sent to the FSSU.
- The Financial report was presented to January 31st 2020.
- Principal reported on the following items –
- 151 pupils on the roll.
- Attendance for January 93.1%, February (partial) 91.5%
- Open Evening held on 6th February.
- Staffing
- In-school management.
- Christmas celebrations
- Catholic Schools week
- Primary language Curriculum
- PDST and professional development
- Parent-teacher meetings
- School buildings
- Fire Drills
- Sports in SMJB
- HSE visit re: Vaccinations
- School Placements by student teachers
- Principals Professional development seminar on 12th February.
- The Child Protection Oversight Report was presented, discussed and agreed.
- Anti-bullying report was presented.
- School Self-Evaluation report was presented.
- Health & safety report was presented.
- School Policies were ratified.
- The Chairperson reported on the recent meeting of the Nenagh Co-education committee.
- Correspondence was dealt with.
- Members will attend BOM training in the Abbey court Hotel on 13th February.
- Next meeting is scheduled for 7pm on March 9th, 2020.
- The Anti-Bullying Report was given and discussed.
- Correspondence was discussed.
This concluded the business of the meeting.