Letter to parents of incoming Junior Infants September 2021, and information relevant to the new school year.
The information here is UNDER REVISION JUNE 2021.. Final Version soon. Thank you.
St. Mary’s Junior Boys National School, Nenagh.
Dear Parents of incoming pupils,
Thank you again for enrolling your child in our school. We look forward to doing our very best to ensure your child receives a great education during his time in St. Mary’s Junior Boys.
Normally at this time of year we would look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school to visit the classroom and meet the staff. This would give all a chance to get accustomed to the school environment before the formal start of school. Unfortunately, we cannot do so this year due to Covid-19 and restrictions that are in place. This letter and the dedicated Junior Infant page on our website (http://www.stmarysjuniorboysnenagh.com/new-incoming-junior-infants-2021.html ) will outline as much information as possible to help you and your child as we progress towards the new school year on September 1st.
School Calendar 2021/22 (Draft and subject to change in light of Government advice on Covid-19)
School Re-opens Wednesday 1st September 2021
September School opens Wednesday 1st September 2021 closed at 12.30pm
Junior infants finish at 12:30 from 1st September to Friday 17th. Normal finish time of 1:35pm from Monday 20th September.
October Mid-term Closed Monday 25th October - Friday 29th October 2021
Re-opens Monday 1st November 2021
Christmas Holidays Closed Thursday 23rd December 2021 - Wed. 5th January 2022
Re-opens Thursday 6th January 2022
February Mid-Term Closed Thursday 24th and Friday 25th February 2022
Re-opens Monday 28h February 2022
St. Patrick’s Day Closed Thursday 17th March 2022
Easter Holidays Closed Monday 11th April - Friday 22nd April 2022.
Re-opens Monday 25th April,2022
May Bank Holiday Closed Monday 2nd May 2022
June Bank Holiday Closed Monday 6th June 2022.
Summer Holidays Closing on Friday 24th June 2022
Welcome Booklet
The welcome booklet is below and gives much information about our school including; ethos, staff, curriculum, timetable, uniform, homework, and some school rules.
School Communications - ALADDIN CONNECT
Our main method of communication with parents is via our School app called Aladdin Connect.
You will receive a link to download and register the app together with information on how to do so.
Please download and register as soon as possible when you receive the information.
Click HERE to find out more about Aladdin connect (parents help area).
School Payments
Payments for class money and other items can be made through the Aladdin Connect app. Payments can also be made in cash at the school office or to the class teacher, but online payment is encouraged.
Class money for Junior Infants is 80 Euro. It can be paid online via the Aladdin Connect app or in cash on the first day of school.
School Uniform/Track Suit
For the school year 21/22, parents can chose to buy the tracksuit or formal uniform or both. Traditionally the pupils had the 2 uniforms, but as our school will be changing to co-ed and full vertical (up to 6th class) over the coming years there will be changes to the school uniform. The school tracksuit can be purchased from 'a sportsman's dream'. It is worn with any yellow polo shirt.
School Books
School books are provided to Junior Infant pupils in September. The class money payment of 80 euro covers the cost of these books.
All junior infants are expected to have their own supplies. The list of equipment is available on the school website (http://www.stmarysjuniorboysnenagh.com/uploads/1/4/7/8/14786360/junior_infants_supplies_list_20.21.pdf) with pictures and includes: 2 tripod pencils, eraser, sharpener with 2 slots, Twistable colours, glue stick, craft scissors and pencil case.
It is vital that all supplies and uniform are labelled with your child's name. You can write the name on the equipment or purchase labels online from companies such as mynametags.ie
We encourage your child to wear shoes with Velcro fastenings as laces are very difficult for junior infant pupils.
We encourage a schoolbag that is big enough to carry an A4 size plastic folder. A backpack type bag is encouraged rather than wheelie bags. Wheelie bags are a trip hazard in schools.
Parents generally provide a healthy lunch for their children each day. We also partner with a local company called the Lunch Bag who deliver pre-ordered lunches to the school. Parents can register for the service on their website and order lunch for the child to be delivered. Further information is available on their website, thelunchbag.ie
Protocols to stop the spread of Covid-19 will be in place in September.
Parents will not be permitted to enter the school building, and children can be dropped off at the infant door.
Collection of infants will be via the yard at the back of the school.
Should you have any queries, please contact me on [email protected].
We wish you and your child health and happiness this Summer and look forward to welcoming you to our school in September.
Yours Sincerely,
John Gunnell, Principal, Ms. Madden & Ms. Moloney, Junior Infant Class Teachers.
School Communications and Payments via Aladdin Connect app.
Our main method of communication with parents is via the Aladdin Connect app. Please download and register ASAP using the links below.
Welcome Booklet 21/22
The welcome booklet is available in pdf form below. It outlines relevant information on school times, uniforms, rules etc.

welcome_booklet_2020_2021.pdf | |
File Size: | 223 kb |
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Junior Infants Supplies List 21/22
The list outlines the equipment that your child should have for school in September. Please remember to label all items, including uniform, colours, pencils, sharpeners etc. Thank you.

junior_infants_supplies_list_20.21.pdf | |
File Size: | 142 kb |
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Useful information on getting your child ready for school.
Click links below to access 'Your child in the primary school, tips for parents' by the INTO. There are also links to some publications by the National Parents Council.

your_child_in_primary_school_-_tips_for_parents.pdf | |
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supporting_your_childs_transition_to_primary_school..pdf | |
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gettinginvolved.pdf | |
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